Introducing: Moments Photography + Co!
This blog post, my friends, is like an Oscar speech. I have many people to thank for helping me get to this time, and this space, for this Moment. So that’s what I’m going to do. Cue the music when you want me to stop…
First and foremost, I want to thank my friends that saw I had a gift. In 2007 I started Moments by Jody, a photography business that got off the ground after taking photos of family and friends with a borrowed camera. I didn’t have a studio, just a little home office in McKinney, TX, and most importantly I had passion. I bought and learned how to use a big ol’ fancy camera, then a black backdrop, and my passion turned into production. (Back story: When I was a kid, I asked my mom to buy me a camera for my 12th birthday. We were poor, and bless her heart, she told me, “Jody, photography is an expensive hobby.” Then my birthday came and I opened a brand spankin’ new ALARM CLOCK. Well, the joke’s on her because I still like to sleep late, AND I became a real-life photographer.)
My next super big thank you goes to that woman in the photo rocking the massive Canon lens. Her name is Mallory. She’s my competition. About four years ago, I started shooting weddings, and after a terrible experience hiring a second shooter I’d never met before, I had to do something different. I started looking around my own small town and identified the best photographer I could see. After I found her I started a conversation that went something like, “I know you’re my biggest competition in this town but I want to hire you. Will you work with me on weddings?” It’s risky. Showing your weakness. Telling someone I need you. Asking for help. And it was the best decision I ever made as a business owner. We’re opposite in almost every way. Our personality types: she’s meticulous and detailed oriented and I’m spazzy and spontaneous. She’s Canon. I’m Nikon. Together, we make just about the perfect photography team. You’ve got my crazy fun, energetic style and then in walks Mallory with the perfect calm peacefulness. Thank you, Mallory, for also believing in collaboration and offering the best parts of you to make Moments great. I would not be doing this without you.
Mallory’s previous business, Mallory Nyman Photography, is closing this week as she becomes the Primary Studio photographer for Moments Photography + Co. I can’t wait to showcase her work with newborns, babies, and cake smashes! And she will, of course, be my right hand as Second Shooter for all our weddings. Mallory also does field work with families, real estate, and personal/corporate branding. We have a ridiculous amount of opportunities to share with you in the coming months!
Finally, I want to thank the “+ Co.” ladies. Last December, My mentor Laura, asked me about my dreams. She wanted me to think bigger than I’d ever thought and say things out loud I had never said before. As I began to describe what my perfect work day would look like, I began to see a team. People who loved their jobs and loved to work together. I love being a photographer. I love 14-hour wedding days. I love working with High School Seniors until every ounce of their personality shines through my lens. I also love to lead and inspire. That’s actually part of every photo shoot I do; I’m leading you to be your best self. Inspiring you to take the risk and show the world your true self. Because you are magic. Your Moments matter. So the “+ Co.” part of Moments is team. We’re a team who not only does photography, but also branding, graphic design, event coordinating, and styling.
Thank you for sticking with me till the very end of this thank you speech. There are seriously so many people along the way that have shaped and molded who I am as a photographer and business owner. I am ever so thankful for each of you! When I say “we are just getting started” I mean it. There is something for everyone here at Moments Photography + Co. It would mean so much to me if you would sign up on our email list to stay involved in community with us. I promise not to spam your inbox, but how cool that we have communication tools that allow us to keep connected. PLUS… How does a FREE Christmas card session sound? Signing up for our email list means special perks delivered directly to your inbox!
family photography,
Illinois photography,
photography business,
senior photography
Wonderful when creatives work together!!
Stephanie Moen(non-registered)
Best of Luck on your new adventures!
April Wilson(non-registered)
Your photos are breathtaking.
Angie Barman(non-registered)
Love your work jody. This great. Congrats to all.
Cassie Rose(non-registered)
Amazing!I love seeing dreams become realities! Especially for fellow mommas!
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